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Australia Visa For US Citizens

Australia Visa For US Citizens

Requirements for US Citizens to obtain a visa in Australia

eTA Australia – Application form

U.S. Citizens can obtain an ETA Travel Visa, which is an Electronic Travel Visa for two reasons: travel and business. U.S. citizens can apply for the ETA visa online and have the accepted and approved visa attached to their passport but is only valid for three months. The processing time for the ETA visa takes twenty-four hours,
For U.S. citizens wishing to obtain a visa, they must have a valid U.S. passport which has a blank page. It is also possible for U.S. citizens who are older than sixteen, who have a valid passport with an electronic chop in it, to use SmartGate, which is a self-service portal at Australian’s border. Eight of Australia’s airports participate in the program and uses facial recognition software to approve travelers to move quickly through customs.

eVisa to Australia
eVisa to Australia

Australian visa for us citizen

U.S. citizens seeking to obtain a visa should be aware that there are some HIV and Aids restrictions for citizens who are looking to obtain permanent residency. The Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection is likely to subject applicants who are HIV and Aids positive to undergo a medical examination depending upon the purposes of the stay and what the citizen plans to do while they are in the country. Australia has regulations for chronic, long-term illnesses based on the cost that the citizen might present to the

Australia Visa For U.S. Citizens
Australia Visa For U.S. Citizens

country, that is not solely reserved for HIV and Aids positive people, but for people with tuberculosis and cancer. The applications will be reviewed, and a decision will be made based on these regulations, but the diseases and conditions don’t necessarily mean the applications will be rejected.

eTA Australia – Application form

Australia visa usa

Australia has specific guidelines for a person’s character in terms of approving or denying visa applications. Australia requires all persons to disclose any criminal charges or offenses on the application. Applicants must also be aware that a police record may be requested along with the application for any place the applicant has resided for a duration of over twelve months. They may request these certificates for up to ten years, or since the time the applicant has turned sixteen.
In addition to arrest or recorded records, Australia may require the applicant to provide a record for each state they have lived in, and an FBI clearance for every name they have been recognized by or gone by. If there are convictions, an applicant will be asked to provide a written statement for the offense, detailing the events, as well as subsequent court documents.
Australia uses biometrics, to track applicants and work in tandem with the Australian government for visa applications. The applicant can use Accurate Biometrics, which works with the FBI to report same-day processing to produce a report on behalf of the applicant with any arrests, convictions and detailed rap sheets.

eTA Australia – Application form

Types of Australian Visas

visa for Australia from USA
visa for Australia from USA


National Credit Reporting, National Background Inc. and Telos Identity Management Solutions are all Australian approved channelers that applicants can use to obtain a background check for the purposes of their visa application to Australia. Depending on where the applicant is planning to travel in Australia, they may be required to visit the Australia Visa Application Center, also known as TT Services Australia.

Australia offers over seven different types of visas including, tourism and holiday visas, study visas, work visas for both short term and long term stays, permanent residency visas, a visa to join with a partner or family if they have a valid Australian visa, or if they live in Australia permanently, a visa to extend a current visa to stay longer, a visa for a refugee or a humanitarian visa, and other visas that fall under specific sub categories such as bridging, crew travel authority, former residence visas, maritime crew visas, medical treatment visas, residence who are returning, special category visas that may not fit under other categories, retirement visas, investment retirement visas, and repealed visas.

australia visa usa

Application form

There are also certifications for specific visa applicants such as police officers, military personnel, and ship workers who are all required to state the purpose of their visit and for ship workers specifically, they are required to provide all documentation pertaining to the ship and their work on the ship and dates of employment.
Any and all visa applicants are subject to rejection if the Australian Department of Home Affairs feels like the applicant will be a threat to the people of Australia, or to any Australian community. Applicants are required to disclose all information pertaining to their character that may be detrimental to the application process, or the likelihood of rejection will be imminent.


If you are thinking of visiting other countries remember about electronic visas which are necessary when going abroad. For example, to go to Canada you will need eTa. You can apply easily here etacanadaonline.com. To visit USA you will need ESTA.

To apply for an e-visitor ETA visa to Autralia online through this website, you must hold a passport from one of the following countries:

Citizens from these countries are eligible to apply for an online e-visa to Australia: